10th Online Meeting of Committee of the Confucius Institutes, KU

  On Monday 15 November 2021, at 9.00 am, in the meeting room on the 10th floor of the Kasetsart Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University. Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat, President of Kasetsart University presided over and to chair the 10th Online Meeting of Advisory Committee of the Confucius Institutes, Kasetsart University along with Assistant Professor Dr. Kampanat Pensupar, Vice President for International Affairs; Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak Tayjasanant, Assistant to the President for International Affairs; Assistant Professor Dr. Thongrob Ruenbanthoeng, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Nathakarn Thaveewatanaseth, Director of the Confucius Institute (Thai), Kasetsart University; Faculty of Humanities; Associate Professor Dr. Napasri Timyam, Deputy Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Humanities;  Assistant Professor Dr. Paphonphat Kobsirithiwara, Head of Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Humanities; Assistant Professor Dr. Kewalee Petchratip, Head of Chinese Section, Faculty of Humanities; Miss Araya Bijaphala, Director of International Affairs Division and personnel of the International Affairs Division participated in the 10th Online Meeting of Advisory Committee of the Confucius Institutes at Kasetsart University with the university administrators from Huaqiao University, the People’s Republic of China led by Dr. ZENG Lu, Vice President of Huaqiao University, together with Mr. Tu Wei, Director of the Department of Chinese Studies. Huaqiao University; Ms. Zeng Shanni, Director of International Exchange, Huaqiao University; Associate Professor Dr. Gao Humin, Director of the Chinese Confucius Institute at Kasetsart University;  Mr. Lei Yun, Head of the Chinese Office of International Studies, Huaqiao University.

  In accordance with the regulations governing the administration of the Confucius Institutes at Kasetsart University, No. 3, 2007, Section 2, Administration and Operations, Article 7. There shall be an advisory committee called the Advisory Committee of the Confucius Institute, Bangkok. Subsection 7.1. The Rector is the Vice-Chairman. The rector of the partner university is the first vice chairman and the vice-rector of the university assigned by the rector as the second vice chairman and item 9, the advisory committee must hold a meeting at least once a year. However, since 2020 there has been a pandemic situation of the corona virus 2019 (COVID-19). Therefore, the meeting cannot be held.

  The 10th Online Meeting of Advisory Committee of the Confucius Institutes at Kasetsart University began with the introduction of the list of participants and a speech by Vice President of Huaqiao University, Chairman of China. Then a speech from Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat, President of Kasetsart University, Chairman of Thailand. The 10th Online Meeting of Advisory Committee of the Confucius Institutes aims to report on the implementation of activities, projects, to encourage Chinese language study and promote Chinese culture for both inside and outside Kasetsart University during the year 2020-2021. This was followed by discussions about future plans of the Confucius Institutes and possible plans for collaboration between the two universities. The committee has agreed on the importance role of the Institutes in offering the training programs for the Chinese teachers who will help not only promoting Chinese language and culture but also expecting to enhance amity between China and Thailand stronger. Later, Chinese director of the Confucius Institute of Kasetsart University and Thai director of the Confucius Institute of Kasetsart University reported the past 2 year’s operations of the institution to the advisory committee of the Confucius Institute, divided into 6 parts, namely the overall action plan, Chinese Language Teaching and Training; Cultural activities, financial statements, important projects in 2020-2021, and future work plans for 2022.

  Subsequently, the Executive Committee of the Confucius Institute Kasetsart University, Chinese side and Thai side, jointly considered the report which have the successful and excellent performance and following by considered the Confucius Institute Development Plan for the year 2022, Meeting Summary and take pictures online together. Finally, Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat, President of Kasetsart University delivered a closing remarks of the 10th Online Meeting of Advisory Committee of the Confucius Institutes. He said that he was delighted with the success of the projects and the performance of the Confucius Institute at Kasetsart University. In addition, Kasetsart University have a good cooperation and relationship with Huaqiao University for more than 15 years and hope to find an opportunity to visit in the future in order to discuss further academic cooperation. Kasetsart University is pleased to provide full support for a collaborative partnership with Huaqiao University.
