Expanding collaboration between the World Vegetable Center and KU

       On 9 December 2016, at meeting room 9 of the Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center, Kasetsart University, Dr. Marco WOPEREIS, Director General and Dr. Fenton BEED, Regional Director for East and Southeast Asia and Oceania, the World Vegetable Center (formerly Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center or AVRD) headquarters at the Republic of China (Taiwan), paid a courtesy call on Dr. Chongrak WACHARINRAT, Acting President, Kasetsart University to discuss and develop guidelines for collaboration under the strategic plan of  WorldVeg.

          Kasetsart University as a government representative has joined AVRDC since 1982; with the establishment of a regional research center network at Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus which is Tropical Research Center; in order to research and develop vegetable production technology and as a learning and training center of Thailand and overseas.     The discussions at the meeting agreed that the two institutions have established a joint committee composed of experts and scholars to expand collaboration on issues of common interest including of:

- Increasing the capacity of farmers to manage the land in rural areas and small towns for the maximum benefit.
-  Adding value of agricultural products in terms of both price and nutrition. (More vitamins and fiber).
-  Development of Plant Breeding.
-  Integrated pest management: IPM.
- Organizing the International Conference on Agricultural Cooperation with the network. The objective is to exchange knowledge that serves as a forum for scholars and other purposes.


