MOU Signing Ceremony with AAEHRD, Indonesia

          On Tuesday 15th November 2016,  Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat, Acting President of Kasetsart University and associated faculty members gave a warm welcomed ceremony to the Agency for Agricultural Extension and Human Resources Development (AAEHRD), Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia. The delegation was leaded by H.E. Mr. Ahmad Rusdi, Ambassor, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Drs. Gunawan Yulianto, Director of Bureau for Agriculture Education, AAEHRD and group. On the occasion of visiting Kasetsart University for signing agreement on the academic cooperation at Meeting Room 9, Kasetsart Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center, Kasetsart University.

      AAEHRD is the organization of agricultural staff development. It aims to advance agricultural standard and give the information including young farmer training and collaborate with other agricultural university in Indonesia.

         After meeting, AAEHRD and Kasetsart University are interested in exchange of student of Faculty of Agriculture and other related field such as Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Environment, Faculty of Fisheries and so on.

AAEHRD representative group name list :

1 H.E. Mr. Ahmad Rusdi Ambassaor,The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
2 Mr. Lingga Setiawan Minister Counsellor, The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
3 Ms. Stela Kemala Third Secretary, The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
4 Drs.Gunawan Yulianto, MM,M.Si Director of Bureau for Agricultural Education, AAEHRD
5 Ir. Nazaruddin, MM Head of Agriculture Extension College, AAEHRD
6 Dr. Teddy Rahmat Muliady Head of Institutional and Workforce, AAEHRD
7 Ir. Siti Aminah, MM Sub Division Head of Cooperation and Scholarship Program, AAEHRD
8 Hariwan Pujawilapa, SS, MAP Sub Division Head of American and Europe, Bureau for International Cooperation
9 Debby Arthy Laviandhy, SE Sub Division of Cooperation Staff, AAEHRD

