Progression Agreement Signing with University of Westminster

          31 August 2016, at Conference Room 9, Kasetsart Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center building,  Dr. Chongrak WACHRINRAT, Acting President of Kasetsart University along with the administrators and the faculty members, warmly welcomed the delegation and scholars from the University of Westminster led by Professor Alexandra Hughes, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global Engagement.

         The purpose of visiting was to sign its Progression Agreement with Kasetsart University. After the signing ceremony, the delegation from the two universities who get involved with this agreement had a discussion on future activities of the agreement.  this Progression Agreement has been identified specific areas for academic collaboration in the preparation of the joint degree programs for the undergraduate category 3 + 1 in the five disciplines including hotel and tourism, engineering, social sciences, communication arts, western music, and economics.

       Professor Alexandra Hughes, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement, led the Westminster delegation, which included Jon PIKE – Director of Internationalisation, Westminster Business School; Dr. Peter CATTERALL – Faculty International Director & Reader, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities; Geoffrey DAVIES – Faculty International Director & Principal Lecturer in Journalism, Westminster School of Media, Art and Design; Dr. Nancy STEVENSON – International Director, Faulty of Architecture and the Built Environment & Undergraduate Programme Leader for Tourism; and Polly LU – Regional Advisor (South East Asia).
