Ready to Send KU’s “10 Million Baht” Scholarship Awardees Overseas

           On 7 July 2016, 10:00 a.m. at the Kamphol Adulavidhaya Conference Room, the Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Kasetsart University, the office of International Affairs Division (IAD) organized the Preparedness Conference for eligible students who have been awarded scholarships from the Capacity Building of KU Students on Internationalization Program. The program will provide up to a total of 10 million Baht for 190 students consisting of 164 Thai students and 26 foreigner students. The scholarships include the following benefits: Exchange Program for undergraduate students to transfer credits both inbound and outbound, the research or conference travel scholarships for selected candidates (grantees) to experience professional research conferences and to having the opportunity to present their research, the production of graduate academic articles, and to promote activities with academic partnership abroad.

           On this occasion Dr. Chongrak WACHRINRAT, Acting President of Kasetsart University joined in the event to congratulate and giving his good advice to all KU scholarship grantees.  Afterwards, Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak TAYJASANANT, Acting Assistant to the President and Acting Director of the International Affairs Division clarified the terms and conditions of the grants, as well as an advice on travelling abroad for the scholarship grantees and the professor advisors who also attended in the meeting.
