Improve the Quality of Curricula with Universities in New Zealand
9 June, 2016, at the Conference Room 5, Kasetsart Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center, Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak Tayiasanont, Acting Assistant to the President and Acting Director of the International Affairs Division, along with Dr. Marid Kaewchinda, Head of the Department of Education Psychology and Guidance, Faculty of Education cordially welcomed the delegation from Universities in New Zealand consisting of Associate Professor Dr. David CRABBE, Dean of Faculty of Education, Victoria University of Wellington and Mr. Bryan READ, Director, International Business Development, Education (UniService), University of Auckland.
The meeting included a discussion about the background information of each university and other issues such as an opportunity to develop the English Proficiency of Educational Students at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand; the guideline criteria for appointment of academic staff; the assessment procedure for university lecturers’ English proficiency; the activities to promote English for students in general (Training English Course) by focusing on the development of the course has been accredited by the Institute of professional qualifications. (Public Organization) or TPQI (Thailand Professional Qualification Institute).