An online meeting between KU and the Embassy of Russian Federation

On Tuesday 9th November 2021, at 13.00 P.M., in the IAD meeting room on the 10th floor of the Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University. Assistant Professor Dr. Kampanat PENSUPAR, Vice President for International Affairs along with Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak TAYJASANANT, Assistant to the President for International Affairs, and Miss Araya BIJAPHALA, Director of International Affairs Division participated in an online discussion via Zoom with the representatives from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Thailand namely Mr. Stepan GOLOVIN, Senior Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission along with Miss Anastasia MAKHIBORODA, Second Secretary (Agriculture) to fasten the relationship and finding new collaboration between two countries.

Hence, Mr. Stepan GOLOVIN gave crucial information about the close relationship between both sides and the increasing number of agricultural products that Russia imported from Thailand, which led to the need for agricultural development and research collaboration with each other. Furthermore, the Embassy of the Russian Federation also supported humanitarian and educational aspects by providing scholarships for Thai students to study in Russia. Simultaneously, Assistant Professor Dr. Kampanat PENSUPAR gave overview information about Kasetsart University and its expertise in an agricultural-related field of studies, and also elaborated more on the U2T (university to sub-district) project and Kasetsart University Business Incubation Center (KU-BIC) which was the activities that KU provided for the community.

Moreover, Miss Anastasia MAKHIBORODA also share some thoughts on the past relationship between Kasetsart University and the Russians, which Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak TAYJASANANT provided more information about the Russian Language course for tourism under the Faculty of Humanities, and the possibility to establish the Russian Studies Center under the Faculty of Social Science in the future.

In conclusion, both sides were agreed to initiate a new collaborative activity by conducting an MoU, which Kasetsart University willing to send the draft version of the MoU to the Embassy of the Russian Federation promptly.
