Delegates from Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya
On 7 November 2018 during 13:00 – 15:00 hrs at Conference Room 1, on the 6th Floor of Building 4, the Faculty of Business Administration at Kasetsart University, Dr. Thirarut WORAPISHET, Director and KUBIM committee; welcomed faculty members and 14 business students from Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia, led by Dr. Wahyudi WIBOWO, Program Coordinator for IBM Study program Indonesia; on the occasion of visiting Kasetsart University. The purpose of the visit is to learn and experience about Kasetsart University, especially about KUBIM (BBA International Program) at the faculty of Business Administration such as the program offers and activities for international students. The meeting also discussed the feasibility of continuing and developing academic cooperation between the two universities in the future, such as the establishment of the MOU and the cooperation activity in the cultural exchange camps called “summer course” which Widya Mandala Catholic University has organized many successful exchanges of cultural camp with foreign universities with its academic cooperation. The cultural camp activity is well supported by the private sector and local communities.