Opening of Utsunomiya University Satellite Sub-Station at KU

   On Wednesday 18 October 2017, at meeting room no. 201 on the 2nd floor of Vajiranusorn Building, the Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Dr. Damrong SRIPARAM, Acting Vice President for Central Affairs, chaired the opening ceremony of Utsunomiya University Satellite Sub-Station Office at Kasetsart University, located at Room No 703/1, on the 7th floor of this building. University Administrators and Thai / Japanese alumni of Utsunomiya University also attended the event.

   The opening ceremony started with a report by Professor Akira GOTO from the Faculty of Agriculture at Utsunomiya University, followed by a welcome speech by Assistant Professor Dr. Sutkhet NAKASATHIEN, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, and addresses by Dr. Damrong SRIPARAM, and Professor Tomoyasu ISHIDA, President of Utsunomiya University. Ribbon-cutting for the grand opening of Utsunomiya University Satellite Sub-Station Office took place at Room No 703/1 on the 7th floor of Vajiranusorn Building, the Faculty of Agriculture after the exchange of tokens of appreciation and group photo session.

   Later in the afternoon, there was also discussion on two main issues, including activities and regulations related to the use of the satellite sub-station office and setting up Utsunomiya University’s alumni association in Thailand.
