Welcomes a Delegation from U. of British Columbia (CANADA)

   On 9 October 2017, at meeting room of the International Affairs Division on the 10th floor of the Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building at Kasetsart University, Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak TAYJASANANT, Acting Assistant to the President and Acting Director of the International Affairs Division welcomed Mr. Sven CLARKE, Co-op Student Intern from UBC Asia Pacific Regional Office, the University of British Columbia (Canada); on the occasion of visiting Kasetsart University. The purpose of the visit was to introduce the University of British Columbia (Canada) and the UBC’s Vancouver Summer Program which is a four-week academic program where students from different universities around the world come to Vancouver to take two courses (June 2018 VSP and July-August 2018 VSP); with a total duration of approximately 39 hours (Transfer Credits or Non-Transfer Credits). It is offered by various faculties such as Engineering, Architecture, Arts, Business Administration, Forestry, Education and Medicine at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

   Vancouver Summer Program accepts international students from partner universities around the world. Apart from being an excellent opportunity to study at a world Top-40 university, the Vancouver Summer Program is also a good chance for students to gain international exposure, Canadian practices and culture and experience Vancouver’s beautiful summer. The deadline for registration for the June 2018 VSP course is 28 February 2018. The packaged fee per student for the 2018 program is $5,100 CAD. It includes: Course tuition, Medical insurance, Group airport transfer and city tour, Shared accommodation on UBC campus, Orientation and farewell events, Course materials and Social activities (optional trips may require an additional fee). For more information, please contact Ms. Winty Cheung at wintycheung@apro.ubc.ca  or www.vancouversummerprogram.ubc.ca

     Kasetsart University and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, have signed an MOU on academic cooperation agreement as a partner institution since 2007.

