Faculty of Environment Welcomes Delegation from JEEF, Japan

   On Monday 25 September 2017 at 9.30 am, at the conference room, Faculty of Environment at Kasetsart University, Assistant Professor Dr. Surat BUALERT, Dean of Faculty of Environment, along with Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak TAYJASANANT, Acting Assistant to the President and Acting Director of the International Affairs Division, and Faculty of Environment lecturers joined to warmly welcome 7 delegates from Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF), led by Mr. Koji TAGI, Director of International Projects, and fellow researchers on the occasion of visiting Kasetsart University for exchanging new idea about environmental issues and building a strong collaboration with each other.

    Later on, Dean of Faculty of Environment led the delegation to visit the academic facilities and research properties such as the weather analyzing tower, the experiment and research rooms, etc. Moreover, the representative from Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF) conducted a presentation, and a discussion about similarity and difference on environmental problems and countermeasures in the two countries, and looking further for possibility of academic collaboration between two organizations in environmental field.
